It’s begun

Thursday, May 19th, 2005
At 12:01 AM last night, coincident with a world wide grand opening, I began to plan for a grand opening of my own.

I'm clearing off my desk now.

Marc and James are standing by; I've promised to call them later this afternoon, once the box is open.

Discussion/Comments (2):

May the ink be with you!

Good luck and "May the ink be with you" ;)

Posted at 05/19/2005 13:24:34 by Colin Walker

Best hurry ...

Best hurry Eric before someone downloads a pirate copy of your blog on the net.

BTW Kudos to you for holding to your conviction and setting such a good lesson by example for your kids.

Posted at 05/19/2005 13:36:01 by Steve New

Discussion for this entry is now closed.