Binary Carrots

Saturday, March 29th, 2003
This evening at the dinner table, Amy asked me what a byte was.  Knowing that she was not referring to the mouthful of vegetables I had just taken, and that I first needed to explain what a bit was, I quickly grabbed a handful of vegetables and began to teach the girls the binary system -- using peas and carrots for zeros and ones.  Working from there, I was able to tangibly demonstrate bits, nibbles and bytes.  
Image:Binary Carrots
It brought a whole new meaning to minding P's and C's.  Whoever said you couldn't learn something while playing with your food?

Discussion/Comments (1):

Binary Carrots

This is soo cool! Thank you for this BIT of information. I have a gifted son who wants to explore how to build a computer. I googled Kids Building Computers and found this article.

My son is 9. So this may come in handy. Keep up the good work!

Posted at 10/07/2009 13:52:59 by Kris

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