I enjoy reading the comments and private email from people who read my blog. The number of people who post or send email is relative small, however, compared to the number of people who visit the site daily or subscribe my RSS feed. I've maintained communications with several people who have posted on my blog and a few friendships have developed as a result.

I was intrigued by Inspired by Roger Johanson's post on 456 Berea Street in which he asked his readers who they are and what they want to read about. So, borrowing from Roger's 5 questions, I'd like to ask you, my loyal readers, the same five questions:

1.        Who are you (name and occupation)?
2.        Where are you from?
3.        How long have you been visiting this site?
4.        Have you posted a comment here before?
5.        What would you like to read more (or less) about here on Eric Mack On-Line?

Answer the questions you feel like answering. But please do post a comment!

Discussion/Comments (23):

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Hi Eric,

Okay, I'm going to jump in with my answers:

1. I'm Colin Walker and I'm a outsourcing Systems Engineer

2. I'm from the UK

3. I can't remember how long I've been subscribed but it's been quite a while now.

4. I have posted a comment in the past

5. Your blog first came to my attention through various Tablet PC bloggers/MVPs (Rob Bushway, James Kendrick, Marc Orchant etc.) so I'm always up for more posts on practical Tablet PC usage, but anything is good.

Posted at 02/06/2007 13:22:34 by Colin Walker

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Another Brit here.

My name is Nick Ross, and work as a specialist pharmaceutical market researcher.

I've been reading your blog for a while, having found it through both other Tablet PC blogs (big fan) and also GTDConnect and related blogs (huge fan).

Always interesting stuff - keep it coming :)



Posted at 02/06/2007 13:47:40 by Nick Ross

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Ben Poole, software developer

And another Brit!

Not sure how long I've been coming here, but it's been a while

I have posted comments here, yes

I enjoy your perspectives on the wider world of IT, plus of course GTD!

Posted at 02/06/2007 14:11:57 by Ben Poole

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1) Ian McKenzie - Human Resources Director

2) Edmonton, Canada

3) I've been reading your material for so long I've lost track.

4) I have posted comments from time to time.

5) Always interested in your e-productivity ideas, particularly how they work with Lotus Notes.

Posted at 02/06/2007 15:16:02 by Ian McKenzie

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Art Forrest, owner of a individual & small employer benefits business (insurance stuff, mostly).

2. Buford (Atlanta), GA

3. Been lurking on your blog for, oh, probably 12-18 months or so.

4. I posted once previously (about the calliope, remember?).

5. Found you originally due to my interest in GTD, keep on reading for several reason: I like the productivity ideas (though my techie skills are pretty rudimentary; I don't even have multiple monitors yet, though I do use 2 laptops <g>); you're a Christian who's managed to pursue his faith even thru Masters' College; you home school your kids (wish I had, though I got lucky/blessed & they're both doing well as adults; my son even pursued his PhD at Southern Seminary in Louisville); you seem to have a wide ranging interest in a variety of topics (you even have a weather station, it seems; mine is at www.bufordwx.com). Keep it up, young fella'!!

Posted at 02/06/2007 18:04:48 by Art Forrest

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Andrea (Andrew) Aresca - Quality, Safety and Environment Manager

2. Mombercelli, Asti, Italy

3. One month

4. No

5. More on GTD and Spiritual Life

Posted at 02/07/2007 0:12:58 by Andrea Aresca

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. "Anonymous corporate blogger". Work in the Healthcare Industry and wear many hats related to Server Administration (OS, Security, Provisioning, Integration, email/dns/eDir/AD/LDAP/etc...)

2. SouthEast USA

3. Almost two and a half years... Found via one of your posts on the DavidCo Forums and still waiting for the eProductivity Template's public release!

4. Yes. Also worked with you via email to identify and report a bug in DominoBlog and an older FireFox.

5. More details about your personal workflow and solutions for clients. Very happy with the existing content and enjoy the Family/Christian topics intermixed. Nice balance.

Posted at 02/07/2007 3:22:24 by AdminID

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Hi Eric...

<de-lurk mode on>

Chris Blatnick, Collaborative Technologies architect

I live in Cleveland, Ohio (ah...a balmy -8F outside right now! ;-)

I've been coming here for a couple of years, after discovering your posts about Tablet PCs and because of your GTD topics.

I've posted a comment now and again.

Looking forward to hearing more about the eProductivity stuff. It's also interesting to see the new technology that you are playing around with.


<de-lurk mode off>

Posted at 02/07/2007 3:47:42 by Chris Blatnick

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Who are you (name and occupation)?

Andreas Weinberger, IT-Architect and Trainer/Coach at DekaBank in Luxembourg

2. Where are you from?

Germany, born in Bavaria but living in Rhineland-Palatinate since I am crossing the border to Luxembourg every working day

3. How long have you been visiting this site?

Good question but I do not know - we do have so many topics in common (MindManager, KM, GTD, ...) that I eventually had to find your page:-) Your feed has a high reading priority in my newsreader and I am guilty of not commenting enough.

4. Have you posted a comment here before?

I fear not.

5. What would you like to read more (or less) about here on Eric Mack On-Line?

The combination is just fine, keep on doing what you´ve done since I am reading you.

Best wishes


Posted at 02/07/2007 4:55:44 by Andreas Weinberger

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Oh no! yet another British chap with stiff upper lip included!

2. The Far North of Scotland currently snowed in and so cold the polar bears are in my garage asking for a duvet....

3.Yonks dear boy simply yonks.

4. First comment here.

5. I read anything to do with the Tablet as I use mine teaching English to 12-18 year olds!

*back to lurking*

Posted at 02/07/2007 8:29:33 by dave T

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1&2) Jason Pettus: Executive Director, Chicago Center for Literature and Photography. I live in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago.

3&4) I've been reading you through the "Latest Getting Things Done blogs" group RSS feed for maybe a year now. I've never left a comment before.

5) Just more of what you're doing, smart entries about efficiency and productivity. That's why I subscribe!

Posted at 02/07/2007 10:26:13 by Jason Pettus

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1 - Rob Bushway. Web Developer and Co-Owner of GottaBeMobile.com

2 - year to two years. i've left comments before

5 - being productive with work, your life, and thoughts. just more regular....

Posted at 02/07/2007 10:29:18 by Rob Bushway

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Fun to see the variety! You know who I am.

Posted at 02/07/2007 15:01:09 by Robert

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Hi! Jo Ann, from New York City. I did work in biomedical research, but am now working on a career change so I'm a job-seeking Fashion Marketing and Merchandising student. I found the website about a year ago, when I was studying mind mapping heavily and debating the purchase of a tablet PC. I came back recently when I was focusing on GTD. Other than the above, I like the general life management posts the best, and probably the tech stuff the least. I also like the personal notes as well, since I consider my regular bloggers to be friends. Thanks so much, and keep it up!

Posted at 02/07/2007 16:56:19 by Jo Ann

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Mark Jantzen - Sr. Investment Manager, Fidelity Investments Strategic Advisers

Boston, MA

Visiting site for a couple years off and on.

This is my first comment.

More about technology solutions and granular examples of how they tie back to implementing the GTD Process.

Also, tips and tricks about dealing with the volume of reading (a "stuff" sub-set).

Posted at 02/08/2007 9:49:53 by Mark Jantzen

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Paul Gardner - A Salvation Army Officer (Pastor!)

2. Wellington, New Zealand (Same church that Michael Sampson used to attend!)

3. About 12 months

4. No, but I've got a lot of interesting stuff from here. I now use Mind Manager with Results Manager/GyroQ and am trying to fully implement GTD. Not quite there yet but I have a much better handle on things than I used to.

5. Even more on mind mapping , GTD and the Christian/Spiritual balance that you have

Posted at 02/08/2007 11:43:39 by Paul Gardner

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

I attend college right now, and have visited your blog since the Tecra M4 came out, posting a couple of comments. I started out reading solely for your Tecra M4 info, and I eventually purchased one for myself. Unfortunately, I haven't been sold on the handwriting capabilities, so my next laptop may not be a tablet. I'm actually leaning toward a Mac (uh-oh) -- which is something I _never_ would have expected.

By association, you sparked my interest in GTD, and I've now bought the books and am trying to implement GTD in my own life.

More GTD-related posts, especially in tech, would be nice. I use paper for my GTD system now, but I long for a day when I can use a tech-based system with the same ease and efficiency.

Posted at 02/09/2007 23:52:08 by Marcus C.

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Who are you (name and occupation)?

Nigel Wilson, Engineer

2. Where are you from?

Northern Ireland

3. How long have you been visiting this site?

Probably about a year

4. Have you posted a comment here before?

No, but we've exchanged comments in davidco forums and in the personalbrain yahoo group a couple of times

5. What would you like to read more (or less) about here on Eric Mack On-Line?

More the same, I enjoy the mix of tech, GTD and Christian

Posted at 02/10/2007 13:42:26 by Nigel Wilson

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. My name is Keith and I am the C.O.O. of an audio/visual company

2. New York

3. about 2 years

4. never posted before

5. a little more about the GTD mindset/format. I have been looking for a good GTD software solution for managing my days - any suggestions? That may be a good piece to write about - free software/open source solutions for working in the GTD way...

Posted at 02/11/2007 7:58:25 by Keith

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Jeff Singfiel - I'm a missionary serving in Kosovo, former Yugoslavia.

2. I'm originally from MN and NC, but today mostly live overseas.

3. About a year and a half, I think.

4. I have! but only occasionally.

5. My ears always perk up when I hear

a. GTD

b. tablets

c. homeschooling

d. integrating spirituality and productivity.

Keep up the great work Eric and thanks for your blog!

Posted at 02/15/2007 4:52:49 by Jeff Singfiel

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

Hi Eric,

1. Who are you (name and occupation)?

Paul Mason, President of the US subsidiary of a European software company

2. Where are you from?

Originally from London, England, but now residing in Pittsburgh, PA.

3. How long have you been visiting this site?

1.5 - 2 years. First came across your site from the GTD forums.

4. Have you posted a comment here before?

Yes, one or two.

5. What would you like to read more (or less) about here on Eric Mack On-Line?

Much of the same:

a) GTD in its most basic form and tech implementation (although I am not using the Results Manager so that is less interest to me personally).

b) Christianity in the business world and personal productivity.

c) just your observations on life

Thanks for an interesting and nice blog!

Posted at 02/16/2007 22:10:21 by Paul

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Chris Davies - bread-winning duties are served by running a free contraception scheme for young people, but my other job is blogging (predominantly for SlashGear.com)

2. Manchester, UK

3. A couple of years, maybe?

4. Have posted a couple of comments, nothing ground-breaking

5. Well I found the site through Tablet PC blogs, and so anything to do with those or productivity methodology is always interesting. The concept of the 'digital sandbox' appeals to me, so a "day in the life" feature on how your environment shapes your work and in what ways would be good.

Have to admit that I skip over the religious/spiritual stuff.

Posted at 02/21/2007 7:12:33 by Chris Davies

De-lurk and tell me what you want to read about

1. Rick - chemical process development engineer

2. Albuquerque, NM

3. 1 year (off and on)

4. No

5. GTD using Tablet PC tools

Posted at 02/21/2007 12:14:54 by Rick

Discussion for this entry is now closed.