Andrew McAfee: A report card on the progress since Andy coined the term "Enterprise 2.0."
How are we doing with Enterprise 2.0?
Awareness = A
High school and college age children of IT and CXO decision makers have become influencers in the organization.,
Social software. Remarkable progress.
Software inherently social. Network effects. Get out of the way and let people do what they want. We don;t know what they want in advance nor do we know what they know in advance.
Free-form authoring. Why are we trying to impose structure.?
Users should be generating the meta data (as a by-product of their normal work). Huge wins for KM, here.
Emergence - We've found brilliant mechanisms to let structure emerge from unstructured information.
Enterprise 2.0 Toolkit = A-
How are we doing with the Enterprise 2.0 toolkit (e.g. free form and emerging collaboration). Very well.
Excellent progress; startups & incumbents; Enterprise needs
What out for: Ease of use, E-Mails 9X challenge,
Communicating Results = C
Too few case studies, stories from the trenches, benchmarks
Avoid the ROI numbers: If software is truly delivering the ROI numbers that vendors claim, we should be doing nothing but investing in these tools. Of course, that's not happening.
Proposal: we need and E2.0 repository of E2.0 initiatives (Results)
- Disclose where the information comes from
- Ground rules, guidelines, policies
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