Flight status on your Treo, in real-time

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006
Several months ago, I wrote about real-time flight tracking from your PC. The next logical step, of course, is to track your flight from your web-enabled PDA. Here's a useful real-time flight-tracking application that I found for the Treo 650.

Flight Status 1.05 for Treo 650.gif

Type in the flight number for your flight all you and Flight Status returns the information for your flight. (Usually within 10-20 seconds.) If you do not know the flight number you may also fill in a small form and retrieve a list of flights for that airline.

The information it gives you is: Departure City, Arrival City, Departure Time,Arrival Time, as well as airspeed in knots, equipment and altitude. Some airports provide security check-point wait times. If available, they will be retrieved, too.

A useful tool for my mobile toolkit.

Flight Status

Do you have a favorite wireless productivity tool for your web-enabled PDA? If so, I'd like to know about it.

Discussion/Comments (1):

Flight status on your Treo, in real-time

If you like that check this out!! Any airport with detailed arival, depature and map tracking ALL air traffic in the area....REALLY COOOOL!

{ Link }

Ed :=)

Posted at 03/09/2006 9:42:23 by Ed Valis

Discussion for this entry is now closed.