Hidden message inside

Friday, August 26th, 2005
Never one to miss an opportunity to inspire me, my friend and brother in the Lord, Michael Sampson, just posted yet another message of inspiration, this time about my current selection of productivty tools

I know I can always depend on Michael to inspire me to think about greater things - even when I'm busy dealing with my own Tablet PC [mis]adventures. (Michael has the same M4 I do, so I know he relies on me and my blog to tell him what not to do.)


Michael's now dubbed me the deproductivity specialist. Ouch. I may have to drag out some archived podcasts that have never been aired ...

The photo abiove does not tell the real story. You'll have to read his post and follow the links to decipher the message. Even then, you may have to watch the movie.

Michael, you've been a great encouragement to me during these difficult times as I deal with my family health issues (and with my computer health issues). I appreciate your calls from NZ to check in on me, your prayers, and your friendship. I have just one question: in the picture above, you have an interesting smile; were you preparing to use Excalibur knight me or ...

Discussion/Comments (3):

Hidden message inside

Very funny stuff (both your and Michael's posts.) Who knew Michael would one day join the Tableteers!

Posted at 08/26/2005 17:47:54 by Warner Crocker

Hidden message inside

My Dad told me you were having some problems with your PC. Is that correct? Why don't you buy a Macintosh? l use one (a Mac. Mini), and find it very efficient. Let me know if you'd like some of my consulting time when choosing one for you.


Posted at 08/27/2005 1:07:24 by David Sampson

David, you are a funny boy

Just like your father. I am certain that, life your father, you are also very smart. I would be delighted to hire you to consult with me to help me understand the Mac, and perhaps help me select one for myself. Perhaps you and your dad can come visit me in the digital sandbox. Bring your family, too!

Best Regards,

Mr. Mack

Posted at 08/27/2005 10:23:58 by Eric Mack

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