This morning, the mountains of Pine Mountain Club were alive with the voices of Majesty, as they ministered to us and challenged us from Scripture. Majesty, a ten member singing ensemble composed of full-time students from The Master's College, lead us in worship. These young people serve as ambassadors for Christ and for the college as they minister in churches throughout Southern California each week.
After church, the ensemble remained to visit and to answer questions. My daughters enjoyed visiting with the ensemble, too. We learned that the ensemble is a small group from the Master Chorale and that they travel throughout the West Coast during the school year. During the summer, they tour throughout the United States and the world. After a church potluck in the log cabin, we helped load up the van before sending the group off for their next event.
As a graduate of The Master's College, I was blessed to hear various iterations of this group at our CPS Chapel. Now, as an adjust professor, I have the opportunity to return and serve others as well.
It was not the first time our family has been blessed by their voices, and I certainly hope it will not be the last. If you live in Southern California, I encourage you to visit their Web Site to see if Majesty will be serving at a church near you.
Thank you Majesty!
Discussion/Comments (2):
Hi Eric, it seems that the link to the Majesty site got mangled somehow- the correct link is: { Link }
Mike Thomas
Software Architect for The Master's College
Posted at 04/28/2009 9:32:43 by Mike Thomas
Hi Mike,
I've made the fix. Thank you for the updated links!
Posted at 04/28/2009 10:31:17 by Eric Mack
Discussion for this entry is now closed.