Mountaineers qualify for the State Competition!

Saturday, November 10th, 2007
20071110_SCVFLLEvent.jpgThe LEGO Mountaineers have just completed the Santa Clarita Valley FLL Regional Robotics Tournament and they did very well!
  • First place in the research project
  • Tied for first place in the Teamwork Award
  • Highest robot performance score in the afternoon session
  • Third highest robot performance score overall

The team has qualified to continue to the FLL State competition, the next step on their journey to the National Competition in Atlanta and then, hopefully, to the White House!

Coach Simmons encourages the Mountaineers in the practice pitThe Mountaineers present their research and technical presentation to the FLL judges, followed by Q&AThe Mack sisters look on anxiously as the FLL judges tally their scoreWaiting for the award ceremony to begin so we can find out how we did

I'm VERY proud of their accomplishments. They worked very hard and demonstrated outstanding teamwork to solve some difficult challenges with their robot.

Discussion/Comments (1):

Go LEGO Mountaineers!

A hearty congratulations to all!

Posted at 11/14/2007 14:46:20 by Robert

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