I'm supposed to be studying and writing a research paper, however, I checked my email this evening, and saw a topic that inspired me to blog. One thing led to another, and, well, that's why I'm here at midnight producing my first podcast.  I've actually been laying the groundwork for a series of podcasts for eProductivity.NET for sometime, however, tonight, I just decided to go ahead and do it and see what happens, so here goes ...

Using Delegated Tasks for Group Action Management
- How to use (or not use) the delegated task feature in Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes.
Format: MP3 Size: 4.37MB  Duration: 10:54 minutes

I'll be adding proper Podcast enclosures soon which will allow you to automatically download my Podcasts to your iPod or other audio player. Meanwhile, here's the link to my RSS Feed.

All of this is still at the early developmental stage. Feedback is most welcome

Discussion/Comments (3):

Getting technical - the term "podcast"


You may already understand this, but technically, your audio blog post is not a podcast UNTIL it is in RSS enclosures and can be retreived via an aggregator.



Posted at 02/25/2005 7:28:56 by John

re: Getting technical - the term "podcast"

Yes, John I do.

Unfortunately, after I posted what was to become my first Podcast, I found that the RSS feed generation on my site would not allow me to insert enclosure tags the way that they need to appear for Podcatchers. The developer's on it and I'm sure that this will be fixed, soon. Thanks for the alert.

Best regards, Eric

Posted at 02/25/2005 12:02:28 by Eric Mack

Podcasts, MP3, ect

While I see a great future for PodCasts, there are a number of us who do nat have the time or money yet (or is it inclination) to jump into buying an i-pod - especially as I'm not into music much. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to hear more audio-messages like this. So please - can you keep supporting straight MP3 files as well as Pod downloadable files.



Posted at 02/28/2005 18:28:00 by Gordon Gray

Discussion for this entry is now closed.