My next eproductivity adventure just arrived today...
Saturday, June 9th, 2007
Posted at 12:45:00, PST in eProductivity Tablet PC
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Discussion/Comments (13):
Enjoy the X61 Tablet Eric. It's a fine machine.
Posted at 06/10/2007 21:40:41 by Michael Sampson
Does this mean that you definitely won't switch to Apple?
Posted at 06/11/2007 0:27:27 by Jeroen Sangers
Yes, Michael, it's an X61 Tablet, fully loaded. As soon as I get a chance, I'll start working with it and blogging the process.
No, Jeroen, this does not mean that I won't buy a Mac. It simply raises the bar that much higher. ;-)
Posted at 06/11/2007 8:52:31 by Eric Mack
It's a beautiful machine: You'll have to let us know if it bothers you not having Widescreen.
Posted at 06/11/2007 21:48:11 by Kyle McFarlin
Wow, Eric- I can't keep up. I bought my Tecra M4 about the same time you did, and I was so happy about for the tablet for a few months. Battery life, noise, and all the rest has just killed my passion for the Tecra.
I've been debating about a mac book pro, but I know I'll miss mind mapping in ink and inking PDF's. I look forward to your x61.
I'd love to read a comparison/contrast of the Tecra Experience to the X61 experience.
Posted at 06/11/2007 22:33:26 by Scott
You just commented for your last post that tablet pc is not a productive tool as you expected. Now you bought a X61 hmm....
Posted at 06/13/2007 16:00:01 by Willy
Willy, it was the Tecra M4 and the problems I encountered with it that were not as productive for me as I had hoped, not the Tablet PC Platform in general.
Lenovo sent me the X61 to review and I plan to do just that. Given my experience with the Tecra I plan to be quite hard on Lenovo. I'll blog the experience so that we can all learn together.
Posted at 06/13/2007 16:07:38 by Eric Mack
In this way, there is almost no way that a Tercra can compare to all rounded X60 and not to mention your beautiful machine, X61. I really happy that you still have faith in tablet technology. More so, I am happy that I can again follow your tablet pc adventure in a much "harsher" approach :) Now I have an exucse to visit your site everyday!
Posted at 06/13/2007 16:38:53 by Willy
Willey, The X61 is proving to be a wonderful machine. A completely diferent experience from my M4. Glad to have you as a reader!
Posted at 06/19/2007 10:50:50 by Eric Mack
Indeed. I'll be noting the experience and, time permitting, podcasting a summary of my experience. So far, the Lenovo X61 is turning out to be a wonderful balance of computing power, small size and battery life.
Posted at 06/19/2007 10:52:46 by Eric Mack
Well, Kyle, it's not as wide as my T60p widescreen, but for a small portable device it works well.
Posted at 06/19/2007 10:54:17 by Eric Mack
Jeroen, I'm more likely to purchase a Mac to test the compatibility of my eProductivity Template for Lotus Notes (a tool for implementing GTD in Lotus Notes) than I am to buy one for day-to-day use. I revisit this decision every six months. At this time, however, there's no compelling business reason for me to switch as the apps I work with and the clients I serve are, at this time, all PC-based.
Besides, if I bought a Mac, what would Michael and I have to blog about? :-)
Posted at 06/19/2007 10:55:28 by Eric Mack
That's exactly why I am using a PC as well... Switching platforms is very expensive as I will have to get used to it and find the right tools to do the same things as I am doing now.
Posted at 06/19/2007 11:13:57 by Jeroen Sangers
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