Starting this evening, I'll be teaching Intro to Robotics at The Master's College once again. I love having this opportunity to teach students critical thinking and problem-solving in a very hands-on way -- by building robots that solve puzzles and attack each other!
I created this course at Master's a couple years ago. At the time, a few students from the College made this (admittedly silly) video to show in Master's chapel to promote the course:
Of course, this video is not wholly accurate. Students never watch cartoons in my class (though they have been known to eat M&M's).
And since we're on the subject of teaching...
Pop quiz!
Which TMC faculty and staff did you see in the video?
How many different robots were shown?
Bonus: whose lab was this shot in?
I look forward to sharing more about this class!
A fuller description of the course is available at
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