The Seven Degrees of Bruce Elgort

Thursday, October 1st, 2009
When he's not out driving the Lotus Knows bus, he's making connections between Lotus folk. Did you know that everyone in the yellow sphere can be traced back to Bruce Elgort in 7 steps or less? In fact, in most cases, you can track anyone in two steps or less. Take today for example: For a week I had been banging my head against the bleeding edge of a BES 5.0 server, trying to get it to talk to Domino so that I could do some testing of eProductivity for mobile devices. In frustration, I called Bruce for advice and he told me to call Darren Duke, of STS, an expert in all things BlackBerry. Today, I met with Darren and in just a few hours of consulting, my BES was up and running and my BlackBerry was buzzing and productive. If you want to make BES sing. call Darren. If you want to learn to sing, call Bruce. I'm sure he knows someone that can help.

Glad to be part of an awesome community of yellow folk.

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