What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006
Rob Bushway's trying to find out what business application do users most want to see ink-enabled.

With as much progress as the Tablet PC continues to make with education, health care, legal, etc., it continues to surprise me as to how few business applications are ink-enabled. By ink-enabling, I'm referring to converting a note field to accept both ink and text, adjusting fields for context awareness so the TIP can be used more effectively, etc....

My answer:
1. Lotus Notes

2. Adobe Acrobat  
3. SameTime

Did I mention Lotus Notes?

What business application would you love to see ink-enabled?

Post a comment here, or on GottaBeMobile.com.

Discussion/Comments (10):

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Here's what I don't understand:

Why should ANY application be "ink-enabled"?

Seriously. Why?

The way Microsoft have approached the Tablet PC is all wrong in this regard: ink-enabling should be an OS-level abstraction. Applications should just take advantage of what the host operating system offers, using its input managers and what-have-you. It seems crazy to me that the OS vendor is relying on application developers to push *their* technology in this way.

I'm sure MS have their reasons for tackling the Table PC like this, but I must be missing something big time...

Posted at 11/28/2006 14:01:31 by Ben Poole

re: What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Hi Ben! you bring up a very good point. I realize that many Notes users/developers may not understand what it means for an application to be "Ink-enabled" and why its up to the developer to ink-enable their application in order to take full advantage of the capabilities of the Tablet PC.

I'll blog about this later today.


Posted at 11/28/2006 14:20:45 by Eric Mack

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

IE -Why can't I post my comments ink?

Outlook - Teo 3.0 gets me very close though

Excel - =c1+D1=heaven

Live Writer - Yes I can use Ed's plug in but its not the same.

Remote Desktop or VNC - Let me use ink on a non-ink machine!

SQL Server. Select * from ink

I Th INK that's it.


Posted at 11/28/2006 16:30:05 by Mark Polino

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Hey, whats wrong with my plugin!?!?!? :-)

Posted at 11/29/2006 13:46:36 by Ed Holloway

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?


As you requested, here are the links to my Tablet PC, Ink-enabled apps. Thanks for the space :-)



Ink Search Tool for Google:

{ Link }

Ink Blog Plugin for Live Writer:

{ Link }

Posted at 12/04/2006 19:17:37 by Ed Holloway

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

i am trying to open an email in

Windows Live that has an "Ink" attachment. How do I open this?

Posted at 12/10/2006 3:53:08 by lorraine

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

i am trying to open an email in

Windows Live that has an "Ink" attachment. How do I open this?

Posted at 12/10/2006 3:53:24 by lorraine

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Here are my top two wishes for business apps to work with the Tablet PC:

** Adobe Reader/Acrobat

** TechSmith's SnagIt (the "pen" tool works only somewhat, but it'd be great if it were better integrated)

Posted at 01/30/2007 10:28:06 by tanya

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

Try .pdf annotator. { Link }

It has worked nicely for me.

Posted at 01/30/2007 12:40:10 by Fred Beiderbecke

What business app do you want Ink Enabled?

PDF Annotator does work well. Ideally, I wish they supported highlighting of actuall text in addition to freehand higlights.

Posted at 02/05/2007 16:27:34 by Eric Mack

Discussion for this entry is now closed.