An evacuaton Center at Frazier Park Community Center is now open and awaiting the arrival of the American Red Cross. The Community Center is located on Frazier Park Road in the 300 block of Park Drive and Monterey Trail.
Incident: Day Wildland Fire
Released: 2006-09-18 17:05:00 ET
Source: Incident Information System
Incident Contact: Los Padres Information Center (805) 961-5770
There are several useful links on my weathercam.
This photo below, is from the Apache Saddle Webcam.

That is NOT fire in the background. The sky is very dark and visibility is limited due to dense smoke settling in the valley.
Discussion/Comments (1):
Hey Eric,
No doubt your mobile workstation setup is now serving you well. Hopefully they'll get this fire contained and you can all return home shortly.
Best Regards,
Posted at 09/28/2006 11:28:01 by Robert
Discussion for this entry is now closed.